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Used Resonant Light Technology Perl M+
Used Resonant Light Technology Perl M+

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Used Resonant Light Technology Perl M+

Cellular harmony is difficult to attain on your own, especially when you're constantly bombarded with destructive digital signals (EMFs) and non-harmonic noise all day long.

When you have finally exhausted all possible answers to your health questions, look for this advanced device to assist with your own research and experimentation. Every cause of inflammation, mental illnesses, diseases, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and much more can be addressed with light frequency balancing. The device will aid with balancing the body and promote homeostasis, potentially improving energy levels and vitality. The radiant light frequency can counter-act against every health issue presented to the modern public today, and might be of particular value to people who have "plateaued" on their wellness journey.

  • Standard Model: Programmed with 1,800 Frequencies sets.
  • Used Very few hours
  • Spare bulb included

Asking ~ $7250
Dr Jennifer Gilkison 816-726-6494