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Chiropractic Continuing Education Courses

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This is the home of ChiroCredit.com and OnlineCE.com. We currently offer Online Continuing Education Courses for Chiropractors and Physical Therapists.

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List of Topics & Instuctors at ChiroCredit.com

AIDS and Infectious Disease Powers, DC, DABCN Steriti, ND, PhD Kinsler, DC Smith, DC, PhD Norris-Schafer, DC, MD
Accredited Training for the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners Megehee, DC
Acupuncture Sherman, DC Swift, DC, DABCN Waerlop, DC/Fasolino DC, Lic Ac
Acupuncture - AcuPractice Seminars Ventresca, DOM
Addictions Redleaf, DC
Anatomy Dissections Schwer, DC
Animal Chiropractic Seefeldt, DC, CVSMT
Anti Aging Certificate Program Italia, DC, DACBN, PhD
Aromatherapy Certification Rona, ND, DHM, DCCN
Biomechanics Waerlop/Allen, DC
Boundary Training Redleaf, DC Ferezy, DACAN, FIACN Powers, DC, DABCN
Business and Commerce Affolter, DC
California Xray Technology Course Osterhouse, DC, DACBR
Chiropractic and Pregnancy Gardner, DC
Compliance Reida, DC
Cultural Competency Redleaf, DC
Diagnostic Imaging Italia, DC, DACBN, PhD Martensen, DC, DACBR Osterhouse, DC, DACBR Sherman, DC Weiner, MD, DC, DACBR Swift, DC, DABCN Affolter, DC
Diplomate Forensic Science Cupon/Jahn, DC, DABFP
Documentation Sherman, DC Feldman, DC Cupon/Jahn, DC, DABFP Ferezy, DACAN, FIACN
Documentation - Oregon DC 2013 Friedman, DC
Documentation and Coding Friedman, DC
Electrodiagnosis Swift, DC, DABCN
Emergency Procedures Kinsler, DC
Endocrine System Steriti, ND, PhD Mayfield, DC
Ergonomics Mayfield, DC
Ethics for Professionals Redleaf, DC Powers, DC, DABCN Saporito, DC
Evidenced Based Outcomes Smith, DC, PhD Horne, DC Kinsler, DC
Forensic Science Cupon/Jahn, DC, DABFP
Gender and Sensitivity Redleaf, DC
Georgia Jurisprudence Board Rules Cupon/Jahn, DC, DABFP Powers, DC, DABCN
Geriatrics Smith, DC, PhD
Grand Rounds Horne, DC
Guidelines for Manual Techniques Born, DC
HIPAA Training Sherman, DC
Homeopathy Rona, ND, DHM, DCCN
Impairment and Disability Rating Functional Capacity Exam Cupon/Jahn, DC, DABFP
Internal Diagnosis and Family Practice Cessna, DC, DABCI
Iowa Board Administrative Code Ferezy, DACAN, FIACN
Manipulation and Technique Smith, DC, PhD Powers, DC, DABCN Simon, DC Thistle, DC
Maryland Jurisprudence Board Rules Powers, DC, DABCN
Medical Errors Smith, DC, PhD
Neurology Powers, DC, DABCN Schwer, DC Swift, DC, DABCN Ferezy, DACAN, FIACN Smith, DC, PhD
Neurology - Clinical Chiropractic Diplomate Ferezy, DACAN, FIACN
North Carolina Jurisprudence Board Rules Powers, DC, DABCN
Nutrition Italia, DC, DACBN, PhD Smith, DC, PhD Steriti, ND, PhD Schlenger, DC Thistle, DC
Nutrition - Anti Aging Italia, DC, DACBN, PhD
Nutrition And Functional Medicine Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN Powers, R, DC
Orthopedics Schwer, DC Smith, DC, PhD Cupon/Jahn, DC, DABFP
Pain Management Cordas, DO, MPH Smith, DC, PhD Powers, DC, DABCN Steriti, ND, PhD
Pediatrics Kinsler, DC Elliott, DC Smith, DC, PhD Mayfield, DC
Philosophy Affolter, DC
Physical Therapy Powers, DC, DABCN Schwer, DC Cupon/Jahn, DC, DABFP Kinsler, DC
Physical/Differential Diagnosis Elliott, DC Schwer, DC Kinsler, DC Powers, DC, DABCN Osterhouse, DC, DACBR Cordas, DO, MPH Norris-Schafer, DC, MD Ferezy, DACAN, FIACN Steriti, ND, PhD Mayfield, DC Lawson, DC Schlenger, DC Thistle, DC Batungbacal, DC
Rehabilitation Smith, DC, PhD Simon, DC Waerlop/Allen, DC Thistle, DC
Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging Palazzo, DC
Research Reviews Thistle, DC
Research Trends Smith, DC, PhD
Rheumatology Norris-Schafer, DC, MD
Risk Management/Malpractice Cupon/Jahn, DC, DABFP Ladenheim, JD Van Tyle, Esq
Soft Tissue Conditions Simon, DC
Spinal Decompression Ferezy, DACAN, FIACN Kinsler, DC
Sports Medicine Smith, DC, PhD Born, DC
Spray and Stretch Brown, OT, CHT, Epperly, LMTI, CFT
Stroke and Manipulation Smith, DC, PhD
Wellness Smith, DC, PhD Kinsler, DC